Friday, November 21, 2008

4 years ago today

So 4 years ago today I was in the process of moving into my new space. My old space had been condemned by the TTA ( Triangle Transit Authority ) to make way for the Downtown rail station. Guess what ? My old space is still standing and we don't have a light rail system. I got very lucky finding my space. I worked with the TTA relocation "specialist" whom themselves just relocated here from Denver and knew nothing about the area. I looked at a property a block away and stumbled across a for sale sign on this building. I called and put down $50.00 earnest money that day. 4 years ago was a stressful time, I had 2 little girls ages 1 and 3, I was running a successful photography business, shooting 3-4 times aweek and trying to find a new space before I was kicked out. I've always been a glass is half-full person so I took it all in stride. Things have worked out well. Business is good, my property value has almost doubled and there are big plans for the neighborhood. I've grown to love my space, it still needs alittle TLC, I feel very lucky.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Buckleyboo's are back

The Buckleyboo's are are back with some smaller versions. If my kids were younger, Santa would put a Buckleyboo under the Christmas tree. This week has been slow see post below. Had a big job that was rescheduled for Mon. than moved to Wed. than put on hold, waiting for the client to choose the talent ....... Time for a fresh coat of paint in the studio.


I've had this ides for a shot with an apple for awhile. I'm not happy with the results, I'll come back to it when the apple gets rotten. I end up swapping out the strobe as the background light for a hot light and did a focus pull.

Yates Mill

I've seen alot of images of Yates Mill on my local Flickr group and decided to check it out. It's only 7 miles from the studio. Think I'll wake up early one morning and get a good sunrise shot.


Seems like every fall I find some leaves .........

Friday, November 14, 2008

location scouting - I found it ......

I knew this was the right place from the start, but you've got to look around. You've got to love the 40' x 50' two wall hard cyc at Trail Blazer Studios.

Location scouting Tires and Parts

I have a shoot coming up where I need a BIG space to shoot some BIG products. Time to do some location scouting. Big thanks to the people at Empire Properties for showing me the old Tires and Parts place. They just closed on the property @ 10 days ago. I loved the space, but not for this project, the ceiling are alittle low. I know most of my clients are cheap but I don't think they are this cheap. Can't wait to see what Greg Hatem and Empire Properties do with this space.

The Millionaire Mistress

Some out takes from my shoot with the author of The Millionaire Mistress, check it out on Amazon, been on the best seller list. This was a Big Tex connection, if you've followed this blog you know anything to do woth Big Tex is always a good time.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back at Duke

Hanging out in the clean room at Duke.

Back at Duke

Back at Duke for afew days of colored gels. Ended up with over 20 gigs of files ....... 6 disk for Duke and 12 for me (back-up and copies to an external hard drive). Used lots of grids.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Images from an article on Quigless Health Center of Tarboro. I'm thinking of taking up yoga. I seem to be shooting with the lense baby alot lately ........

fuse talent

Some work with fuse talent A few hour shooting Bobby.

Welcome to my neighborhood

Welcome to my neighbor series photo's of Eugine. He's got a crazy story...... I see him almost everyday and we chat out in front of the studio.

grip and grin

Grip and grin. Not my favorite thing to do, but a big client and a fun time. @ 600 people and a circus theme. Some out-takes.
AB 800 in corner with PW, SB800 on TTL on camera.