Friday, January 29, 2010

Wonderful Machine Update

My Wonderful Machine update, I've been moved to the much coveted Portraiture specialty.


Spent the day on location, arrived at 5:30 AM and still trying to get back to a normal sleep routine ......... A hodgepodge of lighting ..... Some tungsten/strobe and converting strobes to tungsten, depending on the location and time of day. I'm alittle bummed I couldn't get a good shot jumping off the stairs with the self timer. I need to work on my timing.


Just in one of those moods ..........

Blue background

I had to do something fun with the blue background, I'm getting bad at not shooting set up shots ....... flew the objects in on armature wire.

More testing

Some more testing, after all is said and done I think We'll end up shooting on white ..........

Random weekly snapshots 01-29-10

Random weekly snapshot

Friday, January 22, 2010

Testing Background colors video

Testing some backgrounds for an up coming shoot, see video below ........

Testing Background colors video

Background Testing from Bryan Regan Photography on Vimeo.

In Print Corral Riding

A cool project for Corral Riding, got to work with Scott and Jen over at Ogilvy in Durham.

Grip and grin

Some Grip and grin coverage with some portraits thrown in.

head shots on white

You know how I love head shots on white ..........


A birds eye view of the studio.

Random weekly snapshots 01-22-09 part 1

Random weekly snapshots 01-22-09 part 2

Friday, January 15, 2010

Glove fetish

Working on some product shots for a glove company in LA. Not sure what direction we'll go ..........

Big Spaces

This seemed to be the week of shooting in BIG spaces. Hard to come back to my little studio.

water tower

A view from a big space.

Random weekly snapshots 01-15-09

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Wow Factor

I thought I had it going on....... Yesterday I was smacked in the ass by the WOW factor. I was working on a story for _____ @ ____ (more to come) and I got to shoot at __________. I don't usually get blown away by studio's and gear but the WOW factor hit me hard, I was like a kid in a candy store. It was hard to come back to my place ..........

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

In Print Business Week

Business Week Out Takes

Business Week Out Takes

A Day In The Life

Since I moving into the world of video, Thought I'd try and upload my first clip "A Day In The Life".

A day life Bryan Regan Photography 01/05/10 from Bryan Regan Photography on Vimeo.

Location work

3 set-ups ........ People, product and hand shots, can't say much more "confidentially".

Bikes at night

A shoot for Lunasee a really cool bike product. Not sure what the wind chill was, but it was cold.

Bikes at night

Some out takes from the Lunasee shoot

Weekly random snapshots 01-08-10

Early on the blog post this week, calling for snow .........