Friday, January 18, 2019

Extensis Portfolio

If you value your digital assetts a word of warning. Beware of Extensis Portfolio  owned by Celartem, Inc . president Syuichi Fujimoto . Here’s a little story for you...... Back in the days when digital photography was just getting started you had to figure out a way to organize and catalog your images (DAM) Digital Assett Management. They're where a ton of programs out there Iview Media,Cumulus, IDimager Photo Supreme and Daminion.  Extensis Portfolio  for
me stood out to be the best. I started out with Extensis Portfolio 7  in 2004, then 8 then 8.5 in 2007. Then BAM in 2014 Extensis stopped all support and upgrades to the program. It won’t run on a Mac running anything newer then OSX 10.9.4. I have an old Mac Pro  that I haven’t upgraded just to keep my catalog so I can search my images. I just checked it’s 43.5 terabytes of images. They’ve even stopped taking technical support calls about Extensis Portfolio  8.5. I’ve called in the past and was told they were not authorized to talk about the old single user products, so if you have a question you’re screwed. They’ll be happy to transfer you to sales  where they will try and sell a “new” server version to you for between $1,200-$2,500, I’ve had a couple different quotes. You’d think they’d give old software licenses holder a discount, but they don’t. If you value your digital assetts, photography, video, music, etc. beware of Extensis Portfolio . Who knows how long they’ll support their current software or even be around. Now, get off my lawn.

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